St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7A Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

P7 have settled back in to our routine and have been learning through a wide range of interesting lessons.

In Literacy we have been enjoying our new class novel, ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness. At the moment we have been completing comprehension task on the book but we will be moving to Reciprocal Reading tasks soon.

We have also been looking at the works of Robert Burns and have poems to recite next Wednesday for Burns’ Day and we have even written replies To A Mouse, trying to use Scots and follow the structure of a Burns Stanza.

In Science we have been learning about dissolving and making a saturated solution. We then let the solution evaporate to create salt crystals.

In RE/HWB we have begun the P7 God’s Loving Plan lessons and have shown ourselves to be mature and respectful.

On Friday we celebrated Chinese New Year by making Hong Bow wallets that are shared with people at this time of tear. It also turns out most of us were born in the year of the Rabbit.

Finally here is this term’s Forward Plan Overview

Have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn

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