Dear Readers,
First of all we would like to wish you all a wonderful 2023!
Unfortunately, I have just noticed that our last blog posts have not been published and were still saved as drafts, for which I very much apologise!
This first week back has been very exciting and happy as we have been enjoying our friends’ company and, at the same time, learning new things!
Our highlights were:
- Introducing our new West Lothian topic.
- Our art work on the West Lothian coat of arms, for which we have learned to use watercolours for the first time. We found out that it can be very tricky using paintbrushes for tiny details but when we take our time, and work very focused, we get really good results. Most of us greatly enjoyed this new technique and we can’t wait to see our pieces of work displayed on the walls.
- The new learning on subtraction, including identifying subtraction sentences.
- Writing our first shared narrative, for which all of us contributed with ideas/sentences. It is amazing!
We would like to congratulate Nathan for having been our proud Hot Chocolate on the 16th of December! Well done, Nathan!
We would also like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate of this week, Pola! Well done for being an inspiring example to all your friends by showing them how to always be Ready, Respectful and Safe!
Finally, and because we are getting even better at being Respectful every single week, we are now going to be awarded extra recognition certificates at the end of the week.
This week’s certificates have been given to Kyle, Eva and Ella. Super well done to all!
We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog and say goodbye for now wishing you a lovely weekend and week ahead.
Mrs Valente and P3A