St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 9th January 2023


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Blue Table: (The children have new seats for the new year so may now be seated at a different table.  They did have the choice of staying at their old seat if they wanted.)

Safaa enjoyed looking up Google Earth this week.  Our new Topic is ‘Local Jobs and Places of Work’.  After listing all the jobs nearby they could think of, we then tried to spot them on Google Earth.  I know some of the children were so excited about this that they looked up their address as soon as they went home!

Evana loved the story Mrs Lea read to the children called ‘Aliens Love Underpants’.  The class then designed their own alien and Evana drew her alien with stripes and zigzags on its’ underpants.

Amariah-Grace said the highlight of her week was playing in our ‘Barclay Medical Practice’ role-play area (linked to our new Topic).  She came to the doctors because she had a sore leg.  Thankfully, the doctor was able to make it all better.

Olivia liked our maths lesson on the months of the year.  The class worked together to create an AMAZING 2023 calendar for the classroom!  Olivia, (along with her partner, Karina) was responsible for August and the detail of that picture was impressive.   You will find your child’s fantastic contribution to the calendar on Seesaw over the weekend.  I know you will be as proud of them as I am!

Blair said he was really interested in the learning that took place around keeping safe in the home this week.  The children identified dangers in different rooms in the house and are keen to educate their family at home, if they spot anything that does not look safe.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was our Number Talk lesson about using Friendly Numbers to help us find the answers to subtraction calculations (we will later make the link with addition).  We are going to be continuing this learning into next week but I was so impressed with how quick some of the children picked this new concept up.  Look out for a photograph below, of one clever cookie, demonstrating this to us.

Congratulations to Blair, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

Homework will resume as normal on Monday.

On Tuesday, we hope to go for a walk around our local area to spot some of the places to work that we found on Google Earth.  Please send your child to school that day dressed for wet weather conditions.  Thank you.  I will put a reminder of this out on Seesaw on Monday evening.

As always, thank you for your continued support and I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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