St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A weekly update: 13th January 2022


Hello everyone and Happy New Year! We have had a fantastic first week back and it has been lovely to see all of the children so refreshed and looking forward to another exciting term!

This week we have been working really hard in numeracy as we get our heads around decimal numbers! We have loved using the counting stick and base ten concrete materials to help us with this and we can now confidently partition, build and multiply decimals by 10 and 100! Amazing work, well done P5A!

Within literacy we have been focusing on settling into our new reciprocal reading structure. Up until Christmas, we were building our knowledge and skills with this and we are now moving on to be able to use our skills to host our own reading discussion meetings with peers. Each week we will all take on a new role and contribute something new to the group, we love it! Our writing focus this month is Narrative and Miss Ventisei is so proud of how hard each and every pupil in our class has worked to produce such a high quality piece of work! We will keep working on this style of writing throughout the month.

Our new Interdisciplinary Learning topic for this term is John Muir which we are all very enthusiastic about! We kicked off our topic by discussing our current knowledge and then deciding what we would like to learn about throughout the term. As a large part of this topic is outdoor learning based, we headed out on a walk to Eliburn Reservoir to explore the nature in our local area. Julia and Eilidh’s favourite part of the walk was seeing the swans with their babies! By the end of the week we had managed to answer all of our initial questions about John Muir so we will co-plan our future stages of learning next week. Excellent work P5A.

Another highlight of the week was R.E. We were learning about the Epiphany and enjoyed listening to the story from the New Testament (Mark 2: 1-12) before drawing out our own understanding using chalk. We also explored the importance of The Epiphany in different cultures and the difficulties Mary and Joseph would have faced when they heard bad news about King Herod.

This week our Hot Chocolate winner was Bentley. He worked so, so hard on his writing particularly and always displays our school values. Congratulations Bentley, we are really proud of you! We also managed to get lots of people on the recognition board this week, well done everyone!

Thank you for another lovely week P5A, have a lovely weekend!



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