St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a 13.01.2023


A lovely start to 2023. Lots of smiley faces and people ready to learn.

We were happy to welcome 2 new people to our class. (HM)

We have been doing maths. Learning about doing take away sums. (MM)

We have brought our teddies into school and they have stayed in the Teddy Daycare. (JK) On Tuesdays we will write a little about our Teddies Adventures. (Mrs Ross)

We have learned about types of money – cards, coins and notes. We also learned about the difference between Nouns and Proper Nouns. (BS)

On Thursday we had our first NYCOS session. It was fun.

This week, Hannah won the Hot Choc At Home!

Just a reminder for everyone.

We have PE on Tuesday and Thursday – please bring trainers if normal shoes are boots or unsuitable for PE.

If its wet weather then children can bring dry indoor shoes.

Homework – we use TEAMS but also children have spelling and maths homework every week. It is given out on Monday and returned by Friday please. READING – on Fridays the reading pack is updated and new books handed out if necessary. Please remind children to return reading packs on Thursdays to ensure books are available for other groups.

Online numeracy site – SUMDOG. Each child has login information to access their account. It adapts to individual abilities and adjusts level of challenge appropriately. Please ensure that the account is only used by the child it was created for. Thank you

Wishing everyone a great Spring Term

Mrs Ross

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