St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 05.12.22


Dear Readers,

Hopefully you have been keeping comfy during this cold week.

In Primary 3A we have been doing lots of things to keep warm, including having lots of fun, of course!😊

This week’s highlights were:

  • All our work on RE to prepare for Reconciliation.
  • Our work on the Rights of the Child, articles 26 and 27/Global goal 1 regarding having a good standard of living and ending poverty for all.
  • Our spelling practice work and our weekly spelling assessment.
  • Maths, where we have continued working on column addition.
  • Our Word Boost story, the Dragon Machine, that everyone enjoyed.
  • Our walk through the school to see all the Christmassy doors decorated and voting for our favourite classroom door and for our favourite non-classroom door. They were all sooo lovely! It was really hard to choose!  We were very proud of our door but obviously couldn’t vote for it!

As promised, here is a picture of our door:


  • The Blessing of the Crib with Father Simon and singing ‘ Away in a manger’ altogether.✨

Our Hot Chocolate this week was Ella and we send her many congratulations! 🥇🏆😍She has been lovely and has set a great example for all this week!

We say goodbye for now and wish you all a lovely weekend!😀

P3A and Mrs Valente


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