St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 23rd December 2022


This week we have been learning the sounds ‘w’ and ‘z’. We also learned the word ‘here’. We wrote special cards for our buddies and we used our best handwriting.  We played a special memory game where we had to remember the order of the Christmas lights. It definitely stretched our brains!

In maths, we have been playing lots of Christmas games to practise our skills. We matched up the symmetrical pictures, complete the Christmas repeating patterns and did some subtraction sums.

In Topic, we learned about old and new toys by reading The Old Toy Room. We then had to sort the pictures of the toys for old and new on Seesaw.

We have been making lots of different Christmas crafts. We made a reindeer cake, a gingerbread man and a candy cane reindeer.

On Thursday we had our Christmas party and it was fantastic! We danced, played games and had a special Christmas snack.

Congratulations to Mohitha who is our hot chocolate winner.


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