St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly Update 23rd December 2022


Dear parents,

Merry Christmas! We are so excited that the big day is only 2 sleeps away!

This week has been a busy but fun-filled week! Our highlights of the week include some Kahoot! quizzes, our Christmas party and our maths escape room challenge.

On Monday we had our Christmas party! We played lots of fun party games and even showcased our Scottish dancing! We had the most wonderful time!

During lunch time on Wednesday some cheeky elves somehow found their way into our classroom and taped our door shut! We were trapped in the elves’ workshop but luckily had a chance to escape… if we solved the maths problems in time of course! Everyone worked really hard to complete the challenge and it was Emily, Nikola, Eilidh and Carina to solve the problem first! They were awarded with the password to the secret box containing the magical scissors which they used to cut us free from the cheeky elves! Congratulations girls! We also found that the cheeky elves left some prizes for the winners in our classroom

We also really enjoyed our science afternoon this week! We were learning about parallel and series circuits and loved building and experimenting with these.

On Thursday we made some Christmas cards for our family and friends and Miss Ventisei was lucky enough to receive a few beautiful cards too! Thank you so much P5A! We also really enjoyed a special film and popcorn treat with P5B as a thank you and well done for all of our hard work this term.

Our Hot Chocolate winner this week is Leo. He has worked so hard this week and shown all our school values. Well done Leo, we are all so, so, so proud of you.

P5A would also like to say a big thank you to all parents for their continued support over the past few months! We hope everyone has a wonderful winter holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday the 9th of January.


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