St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Weekly Highlights 9th December


This week we have been learning the sounds l, ll and r.  We can recall words that begin with these sounds and we have practised forming and writing the letters.

We started our new Topic this week Toys.  We drew a picture of our favourite toy, sorted toys into outdoor and indoor toys.  We also made a toy using paper and a penny.  We were so excited to take them home to show our family.


For writing this week we listened to a story about a Toy Shop and then drew a picture and wrote a sentence about a toy.  We tried to remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.

We decorated our class Christmas tree.  Mrs Russell said it was the best decorated Christmas tree in Livingston.

Our Role Play Area has been changed into Santa’s Workshop.  We have been working on our motor skills wrapping objects and toys.  We have also been writing letters and cards and putting stamps on them and posting them in our class post box.


In Maths this week we have continued to work on measure comparing the weight of objects and using the terms, heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest.

We have started to look at money and are learning to identify all coins up to £2.


This weeks highlights:

Mrs Russell I loved watching you practise for the nativity’.

Katie ‘I liked playing in Santa’s Workshop’

Connor ‘I liked playing with the small world’

Luca ‘I liked choosing my own learning, I liked drawing’

Khaleesi ‘I liked making things with the construction materials’

Rose ‘I liked playing in the Construction Area’

Cameron ‘I liked playing with my friends’

JJ ‘I liked doing maths’

Owen ‘I liked making friends’

Victoria ‘I liked playing in Santa’s Workshop’.


Congratulations to Cameron our Hot Chocolate Winner this week!


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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