St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A WB 28.11.22


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

In P3A we have had a busy and slightly different week, since we had to prepare all the many things needed for our door. There is going to be a door’s contest and we wanted to make sure that we did everything we could to have a beautiful Christmas door to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.

We had to ‘glittery’ paint tens and tens, maybe even hundreds, of stars and also the Nativity scene which was great to put our fine motor skills to the test! We also had to .glittery’ paint some very special and bright stars to have our own pictures and they look amazing!

We will be attaching a picture of the left hand side door this week and will share the main one next week.

The main one is the special one, this is just a little teaser…😂

Here it is:

All these stars were painted and cut out by us, of course!😊

But we have done many other things so here are our other highlights for the week:

  • Learning our new spelling words and completing activities with them.
  • Our learning about Advent, its meaning and the Advent wreath.
  • Our day dedicated to learning and working on the life of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland and one of Jesus’ best friends. It was very surprising to find out what St. Andrew had to do with Scotland, and Mrs Valente really insisted that we understood that because of how important and interesting it is.
  • Continuing our column addition sums with carrying.
  • Our 7th Reconciliation lesson when we have learned about the story of Joseph and of how good and blessed by God he was. Everyone got very impressed at how he managed to forgive his own brothers for selling him to be a slave!
  • Completing our word searches and making our hidden words work with our spelling words.
  • Our very much enjoyed spelling assessment.

We would like to congratulate Ollie, our Hot Chocolate of the week for the second time in Primary 3, for his great efforts to continue being super kind towards all, not only in our class but everywhere in the school. Ollie has been picking up other people’s stuff, tidying up tables, looking after his peers’ stuff and helping out with anything that needs done! Well done, Ollie! What a super example to our class!👌👍😊🥇🏆

We would also like to congratulate our super Reading Champions!

Kayla was our first one, a fortnight ago! Well done, Kayla!❤

Kayla loves reading, even more than eating ice-cream!✨🏆😊

This week, our new Reading Champion is Julia! Super congratulations, Julia!❤

Julia loves reading so much that her advent calendar has little books instead of chocolates!🏆👍😍

We hope you have enjoyed our post and say goodbye for now, wishing everyone a great weekend and week ahead.😊

P3A and Mrs Valente

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