St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 28th November


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Red Table:

Maya said one of the highlights of her week was the daily Advent Reading event.  P7 pupils came at the end of each day to read us a Christmas/Winter themed story.  Not only did they enjoy reading to us but they enjoyed the questions the children asked them to get to know them better.

Musa enjoyed writing instructions about how to cross a road.  We sang the special instruction words: ‘First, Next, Then, Finally’ until they were embedded in our brains.

Ishaan liked hearing the story ‘Not a Stick’ in the woodlands.  The character used his imagination to pretend a stick was different things: a sword, a fishing rod, a spear (among others).  We then collected a stick and everyone had to guess what it was based on the actions.  We had a whole range of ideas ranging from a walking stick, a bow and arrow and wands.  What a creative bunch P2B are!

Isabella liked taking part in our Christmas door design competition.  Each classroom door (and others too) is now decorated Christmas themed.  Mrs Devlin decided to let the children present their ideas.  Isabella drew a super snowman!  Congratulations to the winner, Olivia!  I hope you get a chance to admire it when you come to the concert.

Tharun said he liked handwriting best.  This week we focused on ‘b, k and p’, letters that began with a downward movement and then bounced up and around.

Ollie has really been enjoying a new activity we started this week called ‘Today’s Number’.  This is a 3 digit number.  We read it and then discuss it.  Ollie was able to answer a very tricky question and the class and Mrs Devlin were very impressed!  Mrs Devlin was so shocked she had to sit down!

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was St Andrew’s Day!  Mrs Devlin LOVES bagpipes!  We listened to traditional music in the background while we did our super craft.  I hope you enjoyed the photos on Seesaw of the kilt and flag your child made.

Congratulations to Maja, who is our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Concert on Wednesday!  Remember that your child is welcome to bring a Christmas jumper or colours and a hairband or tinsel for the concert.

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