Pupil Highlights:
Rupert: We have been rehearsing our Advent Service and practising O Holy Night and Silent Night.
Liam: We have been practising our own nativity drama Bethlehem Act written and directed by Monique and Zak.
Hanna: We have been using the open number line to solve subtractions calculations.
Connor: We have been using the inverse operation to prove that the answer is correct in an addition or subtraction calculation.
Alex: In Maths, we have been using the bar model method to help us visualise par part whole in a calculation.
Kieran: We have secured the skill of subtracting 5 digit numbers with exchanging.
Hot Chocolate Winner: Congratulations to Anthony forĀ being awarded Hot Chocolate this week. You have worked so hard on completing your subtraction and inverse work in Maths. You have worked hard at listening better in class and your attitude to your learning has really improved. We are so proud of you .