St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly update: 2nd Dec. 2022


Hello everyone,

We are already at the end of yet another busy and exciting week! This week was particularly exciting because it was the first week of Advent and our last full week before our Enterprise event!

We kicked off our week with a lovely Advent service led by P4A where we listened to some readings and sang some Christmas hymns. Thank you so much to Mrs Ross and P4A for leading this!

Throughout maths this week we have been revising and solidifying all of our learning surrounding money and we are now looking forward to being able to apply our skills next week at the Enterprise! We particularly enjoyed planning a meal for 4 people (spaghetti bolognese), researching the ingredients required and then using different supermarket websites to find the best deals! We found that Asda was the cheapest on this occasion.  On Thursday we participated in the Sumdog West Lothian schools contest and we did really well! Overall, we came 33rd in the authority, which is really impressive since we entered late and 160 classes were competing! Congratulations P5A!

All week we have been very excited because little signs of Christmas have been appearing! We have loved opening our class and area kindness calendar and practicing our Christmas Carols in time for next week! We also all helped to create a Christmas door for the school’s Christmas door competition and this was so much fun! It was lovely to see everyone’s fabulous creativity and independence when designing their door, well done P5A!

Our class highlights are as follows:

Callie: I liked pyjama day!
Inaayah: I really liked doing the comprehension, it was really fun!
Vijval: I liked doing the sumdog competition, it was fun!
Lucy: I really liked doing French bingo with Mrs McLaughlin.
Lili: I liked doing the symmetry on Tuesday!
Aarya: I liked singing with the other class.
Jacob: I liked doing music a lot this week!
Julia: I like doing Enterprise and making our products.
Madeleine: I liked making the Christmas door for the competition!
Max: I liked P.E, doing all of the dances!
Olivia: I liked the French song.

Our Hot Chocolate winner of the week was Max; he has shown all of our school values in abundance this week- super job!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!



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