St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 21st November


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Yellow Table:

Reesa loved finding out that she was the winner of the Christmas Concert invite that was going to be emailed to parents.  Everyone did so well, it was challenging to pick a winner!

Emily-Ann enjoyed our handwriting lesson this week were we focused on r, n, m and h.  Ask your child what all these letters have in common.

Amy has loved practising our songs for the concert.  Her favourite is, “We Call His Name Jesus”.

Georgia Rose said the best part of her week was writing about rainbows.  Our new topic has been ‘Weather and the Water Cycle’.  As well as this, we have been learning about the Bible story, ‘Noah’s Ark’.  The children can confidently talk about why we have rainbows after rain.

Ciara has also loved the lessons on Weather and the Water Cycle.  This week we heard a story about a raindrop that went on a journey.  You can find it here:

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was our lesson about Advent.  The children drew around their hand on green paper and together they will form a beautiful wreathe.  We learned that the leaves on a real wreathe are ever green leaves and the shape a circle, so like God’s love for us, it will never end.

Congratulations to Emily-Ann, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

We look forward to welcoming another new pupil next week, Isabelle.  We hope she will feel welcome and part of our St John Ogilive family.

Just a reminder that on Wednesday, St Andrew’s Day, the children are welcome to wear tartan.  It will also be the day of the flu vaccine (nasal spray) and Friday will be PJ day where the children are invited to bring a food item for the food bank to school that day.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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