St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5A Weekly update 25.11.22


Hello everyone,

Wow, what a wonderful week!

This week we have continued to work really hard on our Enterprise as we are getting really close to the big day now! We have been practicing all of our songs daily, creating posters to persuade others to buy our products, and of course, getting crafty! We are all getting super excited to show our families how hard we have worked all term.

Throughout maths this week, we finalised our knowledge of giving change and even stretched ourselves to solving 2 and 3 step word problems. We have worked really well collaboratively and independently and particularly loved playing lots of fun board games and whiteboard work to practice. We know that all of our hard work is going to pay off when we can give our customers the correct change on Enterprise day! In addition to money, we have also been loving using the counting stick to help us learn our times tables! This week we chose to practice the 8x table and found this really interesting as we noticed so many different mathematical patterns. We can now all say the 8x table in less than 20 seconds- amazing work P5A!

Throughout literacy we have been working hard on a new type of writing- exposition. Exposition is a style of writing in which persuades the reader by arguing one side of an issue, so we decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to persuade our customers to visit our Enterprise! To begin this, we read an example of an exposition and discussed lots of important features such as the structure, use of sensing verbs and use of complex conjunctions. Next, we planned out how can use these features (as well as lots of our own advanced vocabulary!) to write our expositions. Finally, we worked in partners to create our posters and did a superb job!

Another class highlight this week was Spanish. We have been working on classroom vocabulary where we enjoyed playing a game of blind man’s buff to find the different objects and areas of the classroom! We also played a mini classroom corners game to help us to remember the vocabulary and this was so much fun too!

This week our Hot Chocolate winner was Akshaj! He showed super listening skills and determination all week, well done! We are all so proud of you!



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