Dear readers,
We hope you are all very well!
This has been another great week in Primary 3A and its highlights were the following:
- Learning 2 digit column addition, for many of us with carrying! We have absolutely aced it! We’ve done it every single day and kept asking for more!
We wouldn’t even want to stop!
- Continuing our super interesting topic/novel, George’s Marvellous Medicine.We are now on chapter 6, ready to find out what is actually going to happen to George’s grandma! Mrs Valente has decided to stop there for the week just to tease us but we were a bit annoyed because we just wanted to find out more
- Our writing session, predicting what the effects of the incredible medicine George has prepared will be on grandma! There were lots of amazing creative ideas and Mrs Valente liked them very much!
- Our RE lesson about the story of Zaccheaus, during which we discussed all the different aspects of the events, particularly the miraculous effect that Jesus had in a man who was so mean and would make so many bad choices before! We also learned that we all make bad choices at times but as long as we understand why they were wrong and try to change them to make things right, then other people and God will forgive us, as he has forgiven Zaccheaus.
- Our rights of the week were Articles numbers 2, 12, 13 and 19 and we have worked hard on illustrating them so that they can be displayed in our Rights Respecting Wall! They look amazing!
We would, as always, like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate, not only from this week but also from last week!
Our Hot Chocolate last week was Izaan, who has tried hard to be a role model to all! Well done, Izaan! Keep up with your good behaviour!
This week, we congratulated Olly for trying so hard not to chat with his friends and for being on task and answering all the questions asked! Well done, Olly and keep working hard!
That is all for this week! We hope you have enjoyed reading our post and say goodbye for now!
P3A and Mrs Valente