St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Weekly Blog 4th November 2022


This week we have been exploring Article 37 (inhumane treatment and detention) – Children must not be tortured, sentenced to the death penalty or suffer other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment. We have also explored Article 40 (juvenile justice) A child accused or guilty of breaking the law must be treated with dignity and respect. We made links to Global Goal 16 which explores how to improve Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions which protect children and families. The main question was “What if everyone did that” we discussed small acts of littering which became huge when everyone did it. How one person breaking a rule seems a small thing but everyone breaking the same rule would be huge. Then we discussed how one small act of kindness could become huge if everyone did it (give to charity), remembering to say please and thank you. We had a challenge today of seeing how many people would return a smile.

On Monday we  worked  on Halloween  coordinates we will continue to learn more about coordinates over the next few weeks. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we continued to develop an understanding of giving and receiving change from £1 and £5. Some children worked on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing larger money amounts.

In our writing we are exploring how to give a balanced viewpoint. This week we discussed reasons for and against “Why Fireworks should be Quieter?” This is a tricky type of writing and we will be working on it for the next month.

We continued our Christmas Enterprise making several products to sell as well as learning Christmas Songs to entertain families.

In our outdoor learning we are continuing to try and identify different types of trees from investigating leafs we find in the woodlands. We also made some cool leaf masks.


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