St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 31.10.22


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all very well and feeling excited about the fireworks displays of the weekend!😃

Here are our highlights:

This week we have had lots of extra fun, since we have started the week being given the chance to wear our favourite costumes to celebrate Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃

We got to learn all about the ancient history of Halloween, which has started a long time ago, and found it both very interesting and spooky!

Even our spelling was Halloween themed! And some of our Numeracy activities on addition as well! It was indeed a very enjoyable Halloween themed week! 😊

During this week we have also learned the meaning of the 1st of November, All Saints Day, and of the 2nd, when we remember the ones departed before us.

Also regarding RE, this was our 3rd lesson preparing us for Reconciliation and we have learned all about the Baptism of Jesus, as well as about the symbols of Baptism: Holy water, oil, white clothes, the sign of the Cross and the candle. We have discussed why and how these are used and some of us even remembered seeing them before.

We have been reminded of how to be safe during Bonfire Night and have also learned the history behind it, Guy Fawkes’ ‘explosive’ history, of course!😄

We have finished the week learning the colours in Spanish and, as usual, doing our weekly spelling assessment.

P3A would like to congratulate Kayla for being awarded the Hot Chocolate of the week due to her efforts to follow the school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe! 😃Well done, Kayla!🥳🥇👏

To all the other boys and girls, keep working hard and following the school rules and soon you will be tasting that delicious Hot Chocolate, you’ll see!

That is all for now and we say goodbye wishing you a super weekend😃

P3A and Mrs Valente😍👩‍🏫


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