St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 17th October 2022


Hello P2B families!

Welcome back after our October holiday.  I swear the children have grown!  Despite our short week, we have been busy bees!  Here are our learning highlights from the Blue Table:

Blair said the best part of his week was meeting our special friend, ‘Even the Owl’.  Even only likes to eat numbers that end in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0.  He thinks the others taste too odd!  A bit like eating stinky socks!  We sang a song to the tune of ‘Bingo’ were the lyrics were, “There was a farmer had an owl, and Even was his name oh.  2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 and Even was his name Oh!”  If the children sang the song very well, then Even jumped really high at “Oh!”  We had a competition to see if the girls or the boys sang it the best.  It was a draw!

Karina shared that she loved the Even and Odd hunt around the school.  The children worked with a partner to find numbers within their environment.  They then had a chat to decide if it was Even or Odd and then wrote it in the right column on their worksheet.  They discovered numbers all over the school….on microwaves, on clocks, on posters, on photocopiers, on classroom doors are to name a few.  Super teamwork everyone!

Sofia enjoyed making her Morph animation on the StopMotion app.  We are now concluding our topic of ‘When our Grandparents were Young’.  Look out for our homework interview task on Seesaw next week where the children will be invited to interview a grandparent (or relative of that age) and learn more about life when they were young.  If you need extra time for this homework task then this is not a problem.  It will remain on Seesaw for a few weeks.

Lilly said her highlight was when we decorated our grandparent templates using material to give them clothes.  We saw some lovely scarves and waistcoats for our grandparents!

Eli recounted that hearing ‘Stick Man’, our Word Boost story, was the best part of his week.  He liked the word ‘Chuckle’ best.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was listening to some 70s music.  Some songs included hits from The Bay City Rollers, The Beatles and Abba.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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