St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4B weekly blog 21st October 2022


We’ve had a very short yet lovely and productive week this week!

We played Musical Corners in PE yesterday.  We love PE and this was a real highlight!

We are learning about time still in maths.  We have been converting between analogue and digital times (to the nearest minute) and we are becoming much more confident at doing this.  Mrs Brown has suggested we practise this at home with our families too, particularly when converting an analogue time that is ‘to’ the hour.  Today, we applied our understanding through learning about am and pm.  We enjoyed our discussions about midday and midnight.

In literacy, we are continuing with our procedures work and we are continuing to learn about inventors and inventions in topic.  Next week, we are going to design and construct our own invention.  We have been asked to bring in clean, recyclable objects to use for this (but nothing that has held strawberries, kiwis or nuts). If we have any spare pots, tubs, boxes etc, can we please have them to share in our ‘junk bank’.  Please can we bring these into school before Tuesday 25th October.  Thank you!

Here are some highlights of this week:

Emily- I enjoyed maths.

Daisy Dee- I enjoyed drawing when we compared the 1920’s to today.

Matteo- I really enjoyed doing the midday and midnight work.

Markuss: I liked learning about time.

Khael: I enjoyed writing and maths.

Ishani S and M: I liked doing PE because we got to do Halloween Corners.

Daniel M: I enjoyed Free Writing Friday.

Please can the children bring their reading books back on Monday if they haven’t done so already.  Please can they also bring in their homework books for Monday.  Spellings will be given out on Monday and the children should be writing these into their homework books.   Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.  I have loved seeing you all back at school again after the holidays and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Brown

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