St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly Update: W.c. 17th October 2022


Primary 5 have had a wonderful start to the new term this week!

This term our interdisciplinary topic will be focused around Enterprise. We are all so excited to be creating our own products and selling these at our very own stalls in December. As part of this, we are currently focusing our maths topic around money. This week we had great fun engaging in lots of money games, challenges and practical activities! The children enjoyed their learning so much that they even created their own shop and gave Miss Ventisei and some other customers a set budget to spend there. We had lots of fun working together and built upon so many new skills too. During our morning challenges this week we have also been practicing our counting in steps of 12-25. Each morning our groups all had a different concrete material to work with and we’ve enjoyed watching all of the different ways that we can represent the same thing. Well done P5!

Throughout our literacy lessons this week we have been recapping and furthering our knowledge of alliteration. We started our week off by looking at some uses of alliteration in advertising (this tied in really well with our Enterprise topic!) and created our own company names and taglines for different products using alliteration. Leo was particularly proud of his tagline for a baked beans company- “the best baked beans in the beaniverse!”. On Thursday we used our knowledge of alliteration to create our own spooky Halloween poetry. We created an acrostic poem and made sure to use alliteration in every single sentence!

Whilst the weather this week hasn’t been great, we still braved some drizzle and ventured outdoors for Daily Mile and outdoor learning! We went on an autumn leaf hunt in our playground and collected at least 5 different types of leaves each. When we returned to the classroom, we used a key to figure out the type of leaves we each had and we were so shocked to discover how many different types of trees we have in our school garden! We also noticed that some leaves had some black dots on and so we researched why and how this had happened.

This week we were discussing poverty. We had lots of really mature class conversations about poverty and its impact upon mental, social and physical wellbeing, education and relationships with family and friends. Our class strongly believed that children’s rights are not being protected and respected where children are living in poverty. We decided to create our own posters to communicate our own thoughts and messages about this issue. Miss Ventisei was so proud of the empathy, maturity and kindness displayed by the pupils.

On Friday we loved playing lots of fun games with Mrs Lafferty during P.E.  We also really enjoyed having some time to get creative in the creation station and construction area.

Thank you for another wonderful week P5, have a lovely weekend!

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