St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 7th October 2022


This week we have been learning all about the letter ‘p’. We read the book ‘Pants’ and designed our own pair of pants. We also set up a pizza shop in the classroom. We have been sorting pictures to show what sound they begin with and we did a fantastic job. The most exciting activity we did was to make popcorn. We tasted three different types of popcorn and then wrote a sentence to say which one we liked.

In maths, we made shape pizzas and a graph to show our favourite flavour of popcorn. We did really well explaining which was the most popular and the least popular. We have been focussing on ten frame patterns for 7, 8 and 9. Ask us about the strategies that we use. With Mrs Meikle, we made 3D shapes using marshmallows and cocktail sticks.

We learned all about our sense of taste and touch this week. We had a feely box where we had to describe the item we could feel. We used lots of great vocabulary e.g smooth, rough, soft, hard, bumpy, etc.

In RE, we have been learning about Mary and we started to learn the Hail Mary using sign language.

We also made a puppet theatre in our classroom this week and we had lots of fun. We even made signs for the show and made popcorn and drinks using the loose parts.


Here are some of our personal learning highlights this week:

Lillian – I enjoyed making shapes with the marshmallows and the sticks. I got to eat them!

Joshua – I liked playing with the orange putty it was very stretchy.

Harald – I enjoyed playing with the Numberblocks.

Vedansh – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Olga – I enjoyed doing my writing.

Summer – I liked to learning about the confident spot.

Eve – I liked tidying up in the classroom.


Miss Stebbing

My highlight this week was making the popcorn.  Everyone was very excited when it started to pop in the machine! I also loved all the pictures the children drew of Mary.


Congratulations to Filip who is our hot chocolate winner this week.

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