St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

30.09.22 P4a


A great week this week. Very proud of the children and their hard work in class and enthusiasm and great behaviour at the hockey festival.

We learned about algebraic equations ( secret maths). I’m hoping we will do it again (BS)

It was special maths like at high school and helped us find the value on number lines. (HM)

We having been trying to finger knit and finger crochet. I’m enjoying it, it is fun (AO)

We have been practising all the types of maths we have done over the weeks. It was fun (SF)

On Thursday we went to the hockey festival. We played in teams, sometimes against each other. (JR) We were the best. (IS) There was a mascot there it was a hippo and it was sometimes being the goalkeeper. (DM) We played with other schools and had to block and pass. Some of the other teams had our friends and relatives in them.

We started our new topic, inventors and inventions. (SF) We have also been counting in Spanish. (JK)

Our hot chocolate winner was Nell.


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