St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Weekly Highlights 30th September


It has been another busy week in P1B.  This week we have been learning the ‘s’ sound. We made snakes using pasta shapes and string and we designed our own socks.  In writing, we wrote our own sentences about what we could see.  Mrs Russell was very impressed with how hard we are working and that we are remembering to use a full stop at the end of our sentence to show that we are finished.  For Word Boost, we have been reading ‘Penguin’s Hidden Talent’ and we spoke about the talents that we have.

In maths, we have been doing different activities for Maths Week Scotland. We read the story ‘The Perfect Fit’ and we made amazing patterns and objects using the shape tiles. We have also been learning the names of different 2D shapes.  We could retell the names and sort them correctly.  We have been working hard at forming our numbers 0 to 9.

This week we learned about our sense of hearing and sense of smell We listened to different animal noises and everyday noises and had to try an identify what the sounds were.  We made our own noises using objects in our classroom. We took part in a Science experiment and had to try and guess what the smell might be and say if we liked or disliked each smell.

We have continued to enjoy spending time in our Optician Role Play Area and love the Construction and Craft Areas.

Here are some of our personal highlights this week:

Enso “I loved building things”

Azmeer “I liked making the sound s”

Katie “I liked painting pictures”

Rhain “I loved dressing up as a king at Block Play”

Mrs Russell– I was so impressed with all the shape pictures you created using 2D shapes and also the amazing Kandinski art work.  You were very good at recognising the sounds in our sound game.

Congratulations to Rose who is this week’s Hot Chocolate Winner.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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