St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 26th September 2022


Hello P2B families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Yellow Table:

Ciara said the best part of her week was learning songs and rhymes with Mrs Morrison.  “10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” was her favourite one!

Amy liked handwriting this week.  We teaching handwriting at this time of the year in families of how they are formed.  This week we revised the formation of ‘l, i and j’ that all begin with a downward movement.  Amy, your handwriting was beautiful!  You remembered that ‘j’ does not rest on the line but hangs down like a monkey’s tail from a branch!

Georgia-Rose loved our ‘Maths Week Scotland’ activity where we worked with a  partner to see how many triangles we could see inside a larger triangle and how many squares we could see inside a larger square.  When we went over the answers on the smartboard, the children were amazed at how many there was to find!

Eli also said his learning highlight was a ‘Maths Week Scotland’ activity.  This one however was when we had a challenge to work with a partner to build as tall a tower as possible with lego without it toppling over and also to build as tall a tower as possible with marshmallows without it toppling over!  We learned from this that buildings need to be be created with sturdy shapes that fit together and do not change shape and need a strong foundation.  Well done Primary 2B, super teamwork!

Mrs Devlin’s highlight was our discussion on how we use maths in everyday life from the moment we wake up (Time), to when we brush our teeth (1st we put the toothpaste on, 2nd we …..) to when we go to bed! We also discussed the maths that different peoples’ jobs involve.  We discovered that doctors and nurses use A LOT of maths!  We had fantastic insightful comments about needing to know the correct amount of medicine to give patients and Blair talked about needing to be able to read the numbers on a blood pressure machine!

Congratulations to Sofia, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

Just a little reminder that reading books remain inside the waterproof homework packs in your child’s school bag each day and that they will be collected up on a Friday.  Thank you for your continued support.  I hope you and your child enjoyed their first reading book home together in P2.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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