St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6A this week


We’ve had a lovely week!

Olivier, Aoife and David enjoyed our discussions about germs and our germ science experiment! Everyone seemed to enjoy this (even the ones who were freaking out and washing their hands every 2 minutes – this includes Miss Elliot).

Sam, Joshua and Patrick loved coding with Micro:Bit! The full class got very creative and showcased their passion and interest in technology!

Myles, Nilaya and Josh enjoyed our work on smilies, nouns and adjectives whilst writing narratives this week!

We’ve had many interesting discussions this week, including bullying and learning!

Over and Above: Patrick! Well done, you’ve truly been amazing this week, showing curiosity to discover new ideas and ways of thinking and demonstrated great leadership skills!

here are some photos of our week!

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