St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly Update: W.c. 12th September 2022


Hello everyone!

This week P5A have enjoyed another action packed week! We have been busy learning about King John Balliol and his contributions towards the Scottish Wars of Independence and Miss Ventisei was so impressed with the children’s highly knowledgeable and informed discussion surrounding life as a King in 1292 versus 2022! Miss Ventisei was also really proud of the quality of P5A’s writing this week- we were using our experience of baking an apple crumble to write a procedure! Well done P5A!  The children also loved learning about angles and 2D shapes with Mrs McLaughlin and were able to apply their knowledge to various real-life situations throughout the week .

Another highlight of the week was outdoor learning; we were planting daffodil bulbs in the school garden and working hard to find and clear all of the litter in the playground! It was wonderful to hear how passionate the children were about taking care of our environment.

Our focus for Health and Wellbeing this week was centred around the wellbeing indicator of Nurtured. We discussed collaboratively what this means to us and created some whole-class mindmaps to brainstorm ideas of what being nurtured feels like, sounds like and looks like. The children also voiced some fantastic ideas as to how pupils and adults can help to nurture each other in and around the school.

Wednesday was also a special day in P5A as we welcomed our families into our classroom for the Meet the Teacher event! Thank you so much to everyone who came along, it was lovely to meet everyone and share some of our upcoming learning.

Here is a copy of our learning for this term.

Thank you for another great week P5A! Have a lovely long weekend and see you all on Wednesday!

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