St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4B Weekly Blog 15th September 2022



In Primary 4B, we have been learning more about Children’s Rights and how this links to the wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) and our school rules (Ready Respectful and Safe).  We have been working really hard to be more respectful towards each other and we have identified specific ways in which we can achieve this.  We are making great progress in the classroom and are now going to continue working on being more respectful during break and lunchtime too. We are also learning about different emotions and are building the vocabulary to describe different feelings to others.  We enjoyed working in pairs to consider why people may feel different emotions.  We were great at acting out these different emotions too!

In maths, we have shown a really good understanding of number lines and the rounding rules to be able to round to the nearest 10 and 100.  We really enjoy doing Big Maths Beat That! as well and are improving our rapid recall of number bonds.

In literacy, we have been working on the ll spelling rule and continued with our reading comprehension work.  Our handwriting skills are also coming on well and we really enjoy completing tasks to improve these.  We have applied our understanding of capital letters and punctuation by writing and editing a story about a hedgehog.  Mrs Brown has been extremely impressed with our stories!  We are now moving on to learning about procedures (instructions for how to do something or how to get somewhere).  We enjoyed thinking about where we find procedural texts in real life.

Here are some of our classmate’s highlights from this week:

Jude enjoyed rounding in maths, especially to the nearest 100.

Jonah liked doing hockey in PE and rounding to the nearest 10.

Emily, Zac and Ishani enjoyed completing artwork in Health and Wellbeing.

Stefi enjoyed writing her hedgehog story.

We have asked for homework books to be brought in next Wednesday and reading books for next Thursday please.  Teams information has been handed out now and homework can be uploaded there instead of handwritten in the homework book if preferred.

Have a lovely long weekend everybody and I look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.

Mrs Brown

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