St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B Learning Highlights Week Beginning 5.9.22


This week we looked at several information reports and began to develop our note taking skills in preparation for our research into Scotland through the decades.

Congratulations to Riya, our Hot Chocolate Winner this week for becoming more confident in class and contributing such considered opinions when describing the purpose of an information report.

Our last two hot chocolate winners since we have been back at school have been Zac and Hannah for being being outstanding contributors and responsible young adults.

Pupil Highlights:

Alex: This week we were taking notes and on Monday we took notes on Newsround. Using our notes we put them in sentences to make them our own and then we made our own power points.

Anthony: We made posters about bullying and we discussed types of bullying and how it can affect the victim.

Kieran: We decorated photos of ourselves for our classroom door. We also looked at several information reports and what they are.

Debbie: We identified the structure, audience and purpose of an information report.

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