St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4B Weekly Blog 2nd September 2022


Hi Primary 4B families.

We have had a very busy week this week.  We have continued with place value work and have been working hard with adding 1, 10 and 100 to numbers, including when finding the missing numbers to complete a sequence.  We will be moving on to rounding numbers soon.  We have continued to work on our punctuation in literacy and English, and we have improved our editing skills so that we are becoming more confident at going back and checking our capital letters and full stops, as well as our question marks, commas and exclamation marks.  We have also been learning about the Bible this week in RE, and we continued to deepen our knowledge and understanding through some focused reading comprehension.  We are also learning about the SHANARRI indicators and have shown our understanding of these through some lovely drawings for our display. We also started reading Buddy Bots and we discussed what makes a good buddy, for examples someone who is kind, caring, grateful and generous.

Some pupil comments from this week:

Alexa- I liked learning about The Bible.

Millie, Daniel M and Markuss- I liked doing Free Writing.

Jonah, Jude and Mariam- I liked doing hockey.

Shelby- I liked doing 10x tables.

Ishani M- I liked doing English and comprehension.

The hot chocolate winner this week was Markuss for always trying his hardest with his learning and for also being very kind and helpful in the classroom.

Next week we will be finding out how to get on TEAMS through GLOW so we can do some homework. We will also start bringing a book home to share. This needs to be returned on Thursday!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Brown

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