We have had another great week of fun and learning! We are working on writing our own myths and legends story and working on a project to research and present about a commonwealth country. One highlight from this week was our outdoor learning on Tuesday when we took ipads out of the school and used the camera to take close-up, mid-shots and long-range shots of nature. We are hoping to be able to upload some of our pictures to the blog once they have been changed format.
Francesca “I liked doing our commonwealth countries and have learned a lot about Pakistan with Nikola. Our presentation is going very well. I also really liked starting our stories for Myths and Legends and I am really excited to see how my story turns out. ”
Emily “I liked meeting our new teacher on Thursday. We are very excited to have Miss Ventisei next year!” Francesca “I liked making the hands about our personalities and things that we like for Miss Ventisei.”
Aarya “I like taking the pictures outside because I liked looking at nature in a different way and I liked researching Kenya with Ashlyn. We have learned loads.”
Eilidh “I liked learning about Nigeria with Lili and designed a kit for the athletes. We looked at pictures of Nigeria falls at night when it is lit up and it is beautiful”
Lili “I liked playing a game called 21 in PE where you have to run to the middle and run back to your hiding spot before the time runs out.”
Jacob “I liked making the flag for New Zealand. We used paint and it was really good fun!”
Bentley “I liked looking at the commonwealth countries with Tyler. We have been learning about Jamaica. I would like to go there because it is very hot and there are very cool looking houses.”
Max “I liked making my powerpoint about South Africa with Kuba. I have learned that they have a food called Babotie which is made from spiced beef with an egg topping!”
Olivia “I am looking forward to moving into Primary 5 because I like my new teacher!”
Our hot chocolate winner this week is Farrah! Well done on all your hard work this week. 😁
We are looking forward to another week of fantastic P4 learning next week.