St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 06.06.22


Good afternoon dear Readers,

We hope you have had a good week.

This week was a particularly important one since we got to find out about who our new teacher in Primary 4 is going to be.

We were all happy to know we will have Mrs. Ross because we already know her very well and she is kind and caring to all of us.

Mrs Valente will miss us a lot because we are simply amazing and she will never forget about us!😁😪😪😪😪

  • In Literacy, we have worked on our new weekly spelling words, planned our narrative texts, continued learning how and when to read and use different forms of punctuation and have ended the week with our weekly spelling assessment and our much loved Free Writing Friday.
  • In Maths and Numeracy we have worked a lot on symmetry, lines of symmetry and how to draw a symmetrical half of a given shape.
  • We have continued learning about Jesus and God and this week we have celebrated and learned about the meaning of Pentecost and when it happened.
  • We continued learning about the Rights of the child and this week’s rights had to do with being respectful of other children’s cultures and traditions, even when they are very different from our own, of course!
  • Our kindness jar continues being filled with kindness notes and it will need to be emptied by the beginning of the coming week since we ended up forgetting to do it today!  We can’t wait to find out who our new Kindness Champions are going to be!!💗

We wish you all a (hopefully but not very probably) sunny and wonderful weekend!

P3A and Mrs Valente😃

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