St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 9th May 2022


Hello P2A families!

Here are our learning highlights according to the Yellow and Blue Table:

Aiden G’s highlight was baking bread.  We have been learning about farming in Scotland.  The children listened to the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ to learn about the different stages bread goes through from farm to fork. Aiden thought this was the best part of his week, especially the chocolate spread topping!

Pola enjoyed our Word Boost story, ‘Pig’s Prize’ and her favourite Word Boost word was ‘prod’.

Ruari said he enjoyed our whole class Narrative writing piece called, ‘Big Teddy, Little Teddy’  In this particular story, the two teddies were squashed in a toy box but then moved over to give each other enough space.  One of the features of a Narrative, is a ‘Complication’ (problem), followed by a Resolution (solution).  The children then proceeded to write their own Narrative, called ‘Big Dog, Little Dog’.  Ask your child if they can remember what their Complication and Resolution was.

Rebekah enjoyed feeling real wheat as part of our learning about baking bread.

Ollie loved the game where each child had to make a list of correctly spelled words from a list of random letters.  Ollie made 7 words.  Well done Ollie!

Ella said the best part of her week was when we acted out ‘Little Red Hen’.  She played the part of the Lazy Dog.

Eva enjoyed story writing for ‘Big Dog, Little Dog’, as described above.

Paige enjoyed measuring out and adding yeast to the ingredients for making bread.  We learned that this ingredient makes the bread rise.

Kyle enjoyed the lesson about food packaging.  We compared packaging of different loaves and discovered that bright colours, different styles of font and pictures help make packaging unique. We then designed our own packaging.  Kyle’s bread company was called ‘Life of Bread’.  I would buy it!

My highlight was when we prayed a Decade of the Rosary together.  We know that May is the month where we think about and pray to Mary more.  The children made a lovely bouquet of flowers for our May Altar with Mrs Dickie.

Congratulations to Ollie, our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week!

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