St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 2nd May



Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Green and Red Table:

Kayla loved learning the months of the year in Spanish.  We discovered that all the months, apart from January, have the same spelling at the start as the English spelling.  How interesting!  The children enjoyed singing along and having to sit down and stand up when their birth month came around.  Here is the link to the song if your child would like to practise them at home:

Nathan loved the challenge of building a bridge for the Three Billy Goats to cross.  The challenge was that it had to hold the weight of 3 stones (that represented the goats) for 5 seconds.  Nathan’s team was successful!  Well done guys!

Emily said the highlight of her week was PE with Mrs Lafferty where they were seeing how far they could throw javelins.

Julia enjoyed our PM writing sessions this week.  We moved on to learning how to write narratives.

Chiji liked our Number Talks.  This week we continued to work in partners to estimate a given number of items in a jar and then use clues to work out the exact number, such as “The number is more than 42 but less than 60”.   We had a 100 square to help us.

David S said his favourite lesson was looking a famous bridges from around the world.  He recognised our very own ‘Forth Rail Bridge’.

Joe loved finding out that he was this fortnight’s Reading Champion!  Congratulations Joe!

John like playing Common Word Bingo, especially as he won!

Babafola said his favourite lesson was on the Zones of Regulation.  We continued to focus on the Green Zone – the zone our body likes to be in and how we can get back to Green.  For more information about these zones, check out:

My highlight was watching the super teamwork that went on during the bridge challenge activity.  I felt so proud to see everyone working together, listening to one another and helping one another.  Well done P2A!




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