St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 25th April


Hello Parents,

Here is an overview of what we plan to learn this term:

P2 – Forward Plan overview Term 4


P2B have had a great week, here are some of the things we have been learning:

  • Maths – dividing by 2, linking with halving and how it is the opposite of multiplying by 2 (doubling). 5 times table, practicing our counting in 5s and writing out sums using the correct signs.
  • Literacy – common word revision on the whiteboards. This was a super fun way to practice, listening to the word and writing it as many times on the board as they could within 30 seconds! We have also been working hard at planning and writing exposition texts about Road Safety.
  • Topic – we started our new topic of Good vs Evil, thinking about the moral of stories. We listened to The Boy Who Cried Wolf and spoke about the importance of being honest.
  • Other learning included an introduction to farming, athletics, a judo taster session for PE and Zones of Regulation (learning about our emotions and how to manage how we are feeling so we can get into the green zone).


Here are highlights from the red table:

Aaeryn-Leigh – I liked listening to the country mouse and the town mouse story because I liked the differences. In the city there was yummy food and dogs but the other mouse had a peaceful life in the countryside so it was more interesting. We live in a town and that is the grey bits on the Google Map and the green is the lovely country for farming.

Jayden – I liked going outside with Miss Lawrence for PE, we done lots of running and I am fast.

Michael – I liked PE doing the Judo because we were learning lots.

Matthias – I liked doing PE doing the racing games. You had to run to the cone and then back and then to then next cone and then back and then to the next one and all the way back and try to beat the other teams who are running too.

Amelia – I liked when we were writing about road safety because it was fun.

Kacper – I liked the number talks because it was good and I got to work with Matthias and we got it right.


Well done to Daniel for winning the Hot Chocolate Award.


Have a super weekend,

Miss Lawrence

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