Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well and have had a good Easter.
This week’s highlights were:
- In Literacy, as Easter had just passed, we have started by reading a text about the Holy Week and what happened during the first Easter and also by answering to questions about it. To help us getting better at Grammar, we have spent the week revising nouns, adjectives and verbs and have, once again, practised identifying them in different texts, to make sure we know what they are and how to properly use them in our writing.
- In Maths and Numeracy we have learned abut estimation and rounding to the nearest 10, something that we are now absolute experts doing!
- Since Covid rules have changed again, we have had, for the first time, the opportunity to go to the Woodlands with our friends from P3B! It was simply amazing! After we went over the risk assessment to keep everyone safe outdoors, it was time to choose partners between the boys and girls from both classes and create our own medicine for Grandma based on our Topic book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. They were almost as disgusting as the real one and some of us managed to add very interesting ingredients from the woodlands!
- As today is Earth day, our Rights of the week were all about protecting the planet and reminding people of its importance to our own survival. We have also started our artistic posters on ways to help save the planet, which will hopefully be ready by the end of next week.
- For Health and Wellbeing we have focussed once again on the qualities that a good friend should have and finished by making a list of them to remind us to always being good friends ourselves. Next week we will be randomly given one of the friendship bracelets we have made this week and will try to be the best possibe friend to everyone and even more to the one who will pick the bracelet we made! We’re really looking froward for that!
- Our kindness jar continues being filled with kindness notes and it won’t be long until we have to empty it again to find out the names of our new Kindness Champions!
We wish you all a wonderful weekend!
P3A and Mrs Valente