This week we have been learning the sound ‘igh’. We had an Easter hunt to find words and then we had to circle the correct answer on our sheet. We had great fun! In writing we had to write a sentence about which Easter egg we thought was the best. We are getting very good at using the word ‘because’.
In maths we have been practising our subtraction strategies through word problems. We also decorated some egg shapes and made sure the pattern was symmetrical.
In RE we have been learning about the events in Holy Week. We made beautiful crosses using the paint dabbers. We think they look like stained glass windows.
We finished the term with time up in the woodlands with our buddies. We had hot chocolate and marshmallows at the fire pit. We also had an Easter egg hunt and some time for play. Thank you to Mr McGurn, Mrs Dwane and Mrs Carlyle for helping to organise it all.
Have a lovely Easter holidays everyone!
Miss Stebbing