St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Learning Highlights Week Beginning 21.3.22


Pupil Highlights:

Grant: I liked having Mexican crackers as a treat on Friday.  They are healthy because they are baked and not fried.

Aoife: I liked Amelia and Sam coming back to class.

Daisy: I liked writing my information report on Florence Nightingale for HW.

Elizabete: I liked making the water posters for national water day.

Joshua D: I liked reading and looking at the different exposition texts.

Vanessa: I liked measure objects in the classroom. We had to estimate the length first and then measure in cm using a ruler.

Natalia: I liked making the water posters.

Josh N : I liked measuring the width and height of the windows, doors and chimneys of a house on our worksheet.

Teacher Highlights: I am really impressed with how quickly we have understood the purpose of an exposition text. The pupils can identify the structure of this text


Statement of Position

Series of Arguments

Concluding Statement

Our hw next week will involve looking at an exposition example and identifying the main arguments, the evidence, the purpose and audience.

Hot Chocolate Winner: Congratulations to Joshua D for being so focused every day at school.


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