Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well and also that you have been enjoying these beautiful sunny days.
This week’s highlights were:
- In Literacy, we learned more about exposition/persuasive texts and their features, continued reading our super interesting novel George’s Marvellous Medicine and learned how to write acrostic poems. We have revised the features of sentences and introduced the concept of paragraph. Our weekly spelling assessment was, as usual, today, and the children worked hard to get 10/10!
- In Maths and Numeracy we have been working really hard on our 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and also on the division facts of the tables for all of them!
- Regarding Topic, our class novel, we have been discussing all its different aspects and completing different tasks, including an acrostic poem about the word Marvellous!
- For Health and Wellbeing we are continuing to work on making good choices and helping others to make good choices, even when we do not feel very happy about them. We have also been learning and working a lot on the need to make things right if we have made a bad choice, since many still find it very hard to apologise. As we proud ourselves on being very polite and kind we now have a kindness jar which will hopefully be emptied every fortnight to find out who the kindest person has been! Really looking forward for the counting of the kindness notes on Monday!
And that’s all for today!
We hope you have a wonderful and bright weekend filled with fun and laughter!
P3A and Mrs Valente