St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Highlights Week Beginning 21st March 2022


Hello, P2B had an exciting week!

In literacy we were doing oa and ow, doing lots of different activities such as rainbow writing for ow words and pretending to be in a boat and fishing for oa words.

We have been looking at less than and greater than in maths and making our very own ‘Al the Alligator’. Also rounding to the nearest 10, which the children are doing really well with.

We have been looking at the Global Goals this week and had some great discussions about them. We will be linking these to our lessons and daily routine.

For topic, we worked in teams to design a rocket. The aim was to draw a detailed design, labelling the different parts with the resources that they would be made with, and then work together to make it. Each team done amazing and had great teamwork. Afterwards, we went outside and launched our rockets – it was so exciting! We observed that some of the rockets didn’t go as high/far because they had a lot of things taped to them which made them heavier. Below are pictures of each team with their design and model and then a video of all the rockets being launched.



Highlights from the Yellow table:

Addison – I liked learning about how God made the World in 7 days and drawing pictures and writing a ginormous number 7.

Ksawery – I liked doing the ow word hunt looking around the room to find them and it was also fun to write them on a whiteboard.

Scott – PE because I liked doing forward rolls on the big platform.

Anthony – I liked PE because we were climbing up any way we want and sliding down the other side.

Haadiya – Gymnastics on the mats. I was doing lots of balances.

Cohen – I liked to make the rockets because we made them blast off in the end and we know which rocket went the highest.

Ismaeel – PE because we got to do forward rolls on the big black table.


Well done to Nicolas for winning the Hot Chocolate Award and Aaeryn-Leigh for becoming the Reading Champion.


Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Lawrence

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