St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 14th March


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Yellow Table:

Aiden G loved making his grass head.  The children are growing grass as a follow up to a book week activity as well as learning about what plants need to survive.  They personalised them with different facial features.  They are looking forward to watching them grow and eventually being able to give them a haircut!

Pola liked learning about the moon.  We saw images of it up close on the NASA website and watched the very first moon landing!  We practised saying, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” in an American accent.

Ruari enjoyed our St Patrick’s Day craft.  I hope you enjoyed the pictures on Seesaw.

Rebekah liked our Word Boost story, ‘Owen and the Mountain’.  Her favourite word was ‘enter’.  Mrs Devlin says this word each day in Spanish as the children enter the room.

Eva loved PE with Mrs Lafferty this week as the children continue to develop their gymnastics skills.

Kyle said the highlight of his week was writing a list about what he would pack for a trip to the moon.  He said he would definitely need to take a book to enjoy.

My highlight was our Day of Prayer activities on Friday.  The children where split into small groups and each had a P7 helper.  Clipboard in hand, they went into the playground in search for different items in nature.  Upon finding these items, they ticked them off on the chart and gathered together in their group where the P7 led them in prayer, thanking God for his beautiful creation.  Thank you P7s for your support with our P2s.  You were very responsible and respectful.

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