St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6A Weekly Update 18th March 2022


This week as part of our journey towards the Rights Respecting School Gold Award we discussed ways children could share their views and opinions. Primary 6 are beginning to think about becoming House Captain and how they will be able to find out the views and opinions of the other children in our school. They are also beginning to think about being Buddies to the new Primary 1 pupils who will join our school in August.

Literacy – We are working on developing a wider range of persuasive vocabulary and how to write persuasive posters, leaflets, opinion writing.

Math – We have been working on finding percentage of amounts (a useful life skill when buying things in a sale) We are going to be continuing this for the next two weeks. This week we also took place in the West Lothian Sumdog Competition and I am very proud to say that Primary 6B were Thursday Daily Winners and Primary 6A were runners up in second position. All of the children in Primary 6A exceeded their own expectations as when we joined the competition we were sitting in 48th position.

On Wednesday we had some Outdoor Learning and went for a short walk looking for signs of Spring.

The children recorded seeing flowers beginning to bloom, budding on trees, insects and a squirrel (which quickly ran away). Unfortunately they also saw lots of dropped litter, glass, abandoned shopping trolleys and dog mess.

Hope everyone stays well and we have a great week of learning next week.







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