St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 14.03.22


Exposition or Persuasive text

Dear Readers,

Here are our highlights for the week:

  • In Literacy, we have learned everything about the structure, goal and language of a persuasive piece of writing and have practised writing one collaboratively about the importance of having a good breakfast. As it was team work and almost all of us have had an active part in writing it, we are attaching it to this post for you to see as well. We have also had our usual New spelling words, Word Boost and weekly spelling assessment, of course!
  • In Maths, we have started working on the 4 times table and have also been revising our 2,3,5 and 10 ones. We have worked on data handling by making a bar graph, a tally chart and answering questions about the information displayed on both.  It was particularly interesting learning how to sort things into a Venn diagram and we managed very well!
  • Our Topic, George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl is very interesting and funny and we have tried to predict what it will be about just by looking at the front cover and back cover where we read the blurb!
  • We have walked in the playground with love heart frames with the P7 pupils who took pictures of us thanking God for everything that was made by him and that is given to us everyday, including flowers, pets, worms and others.

It has been a lovely week in P3A and we hope you have enjoyed finding out about our weekly highlights!

P3A and Mrs Valente😘😘

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