St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B 18th March


Lots of super learning in P1B this week.

This week we learned the sounds oi and ou. We enjoyed carrying out activities such as formation in flour and making cloud books.

We have been practising our addition of double numbers and linked it to subtraction by looking at halving numbers.

We planted seeds to observe how seeds grow into plants and wrote instructions on how to plant a seed.

We also learned about the human life cycle and looked at similarities and differences between humans. We continued our learning of mini beasts and used ChatterPix to talk sentences about which mini beast we thought was the best.

This week we helped Mrs Russell celebrate St Patricks Day and made some fantastic hats.

We finished the week working with our P7 friends doing a Prayer Trail in the playground.

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