St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 07.03.22


Dear Readers,

This week has been amazing!

It was Book Week and we have spent it doing lots of things related to them including reading, writing and illustrating!

All the classes of the school have read and explored the book ‘Bloom’ by Anne Both and have also completed activities related to it, including a big graph with the class’ favourite flowers!

Every day we have had to voto for one out of two books that we read and the big winner of the week was ‘Ninjabread man’, which left many of us very happy!

As the 10th of March is the feast day of our patron St. John Ogilvie, we have learned about his life and miracle and were all very impressed by them.

On Friday we had some very nice treats from the school to make snack time even yummier! Wow!

Also on Friday, our dress down day for SCIAF, we had to cover as many Malawi maps as possible with the coins we have brought from home and, believe it or not, we managed to cover 6 maps! Thank you very much to all of you for your support and for helping to improve the lifes of Malawi people by giving them the means to produce their own food, being independent and adapting to the changes and challenges that climate change brought them.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the highlights of the week and wish you a lovely Sunday and a very good week!

P3A and Mrs Valente

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