St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4A Learning this week – 11th March


We have had a fantastic week.  Mrs Ross was with us on Monday and we began our collaborative story with her.  We had great ideas and made a creative start.   All week we have been working with P5, P6 and P7 to create books and can’t wait to read them all next week.   Eilidh said “this was the best part of the week.  I liked sharing my ideas and think the stories are going to be amazing!”

We have also enjoyed the story ‘Bloom’ by Anne Booth.  The story is all about a little girl, a flower and a grumpy old man.  It helped us to understand the impact of positive words and how they can help us to grow and ‘bloom’.  We are making a bloom garden for the area display and Max particularly enjoyed making the flowers and Fahad liked making the bugs and beasties for the garden.

Farrah said one of the best things this week was seeing the spoons that people had turned into characters from their favourite stories.  They were all fantastic!

Here are a selection of them.

In Spanish, we have been learning about ‘ma familia’ and are getting really good at being able to say the names of our family members.  To practice writing them we played a game of ‘100 Puntos’ and Francesca said this was her highlight of this week.  “I really enjoyed it because it was fun but we were practicing our Spanish at the same time!”

Callie enjoyed exploring Rangoli Patterns with Miss MacGregor while Mrs Callaghan worked with the boys and girls who are receiving First Holy Communion this year.

We have also been learning more about lent and the story of Jesus in the desert.

The highlight of the week was our celebration of St John Ogilvie’s feast day.  We had a beautiful mass on Thursday and on Friday we were given cupcakes and juice from Mrs McKissack and Mrs McLaughlin.  What a fantastic treat!

The first of our Reading Champions is ….   Madeleine.  Well done keep up your excellent effort with reading.

Our hot chocolate winner this week for his hard work and effort all week is …..    Leo!  Fantastic effort Leo – we are all proud of you!


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