St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B Learning highlights – week beginning 28.2.22


Dear families,

Here are some of our highlights from our busy week of learning in primary 6!

Literacy: We continued to work on information reports for our writing. In order to do this we successfully created our own notes on the human heart. We are becoming more confident with the structure of an information report and we were able to independently write titles, general statements, descriptions and evaluations. Mrs Roy was very impressed! We also took part in some world book day activities such as drop everything and read each time the bell rang. We created character selfies for some of our favourite characters in books, we wrote book reviews on our favourite books and made corner book marks. We have also brought home our spoons to decorate and can upload them to teams when we are finished.

Here are some of our corner book marks:

Numeracy and maths: We had a lot of fun working with a partner to solve our maths mystery. We had to complete a range of maths questions to solve each clue and this gave us an idea of who the culprit (pancake pincher) was in the maths mystery. We were very engaged and although it was maths it was like a fun game of Cluedo!

R.E: On Tuesday we learned about Shrove Tuesday and the meaning behind this special day and on Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Father Simon came in and some of us received our ashes as part of a mini service in our class. We also got to see the ashes being created in a video from last years palms burning.

Well done to Rebecca who has went over and above and is our hot chocolate winner this week!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Roy




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