St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4A Learning Highlights 4th March 2022


This week in P4A


Research Area :

We are really enjoying our research area and have been independently using the laptops and Ipads to research different elements of Roman life.  We have made fact cards using lovely pens and any really interesting facts are added to the facts of the week display.

Roman Pottery:

We all had great fun making pots using saltdough.  We used tools to inscribe Roman patterns on the sides and have left the pots to airdry.  Next week we are going to paint the pots.  We are all super proud of the pots we have made.


As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, we investigated the journey of cacao beans and how fairtrade helps to ensure that farmers receive a fair income for their beans.  We were also surprised to learn that fairtrade companies help to fund healthcare, schools and clean water in the villages where cacao farmers live and work.  We made posters to encourage people to choose fairtrade chocolate when they get to buy a special treat and talked about how we could make this choice when we are at the shops.


World Book Day:

We had great fun on world book day, where every time the bell rang, we stopped what we were doing and read our favourite book.  We all took a book token home in our bags that we can swap for a free book!  We are excited about making our spoons into book characters and can’t wait to share our fantastic creations.  Next week we have lots of book celebration activities happening and are very excited about them.

First Communion

As part of our First Communion preparation, the boys and girls who are making their first communion this year discussed our memories of the sacrament of reconciliation.  We had our own service of reconciliation where we remembered how important it is to say sorry for things we have done wrong.  We compared these wrongs to stones, thinking about how guilt and shame weigh us down, just like carrying around a pile of heavy stones.  We remembered how saying sorry lightens us of this heavy pile and cleanses us as people by placing the stones into clean water.

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Akshaj.  Well done and keep up the good work!

We have had a great week in P4 and look forward to next week.

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