St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning

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Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Red Table:

Julia said her favourite lesson was gymnastics with Mrs Lafferty!

David S liked the Spanish we learned this week.  We had learned how to respond to the classroom commands: ‘sit down, stand up, silence please and listen’.  His favourite was ‘listen’ which is ‘¡Escuchad!’  Next week we are going to revise how to respond to the register with ‘Presente’ (present) or ‘Ausente’ (absent).

Chijiakwu loved our learning about the Sacrament of Baptism.  We watched a baby get Baptised and learned about the different parts of the service: welcome at the back of the Church, the different oils used, Holy Water (3 pours over the baby’s head as the priest says, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit“) the white clothes/blanket and the Baptismal Candle.

David K said his favourite learning was about the River Almond.  We watched a drone video showing us different parts of this very long river.  Watch again here:

Joe liked our lessons on money.  This week the focus has been on finding the total up to at least £1 and using a range of different coins to pay the shopkeeper.

Zosia also liked learning about the River Almond and enjoyed watching the different Seesaw homeworks were some classmates made their own home-made River Almond!

Izzan said he loved working with Mrs Devlin for maths in the Area, just the two of us.

My highlight was our learning about Fair Trade.  It is currently Fair Trade Fortnight.  The children were horrified to learn that there are many farmers in other parts of the world that are not paid a fair price for their crops and because of this they cannot pay for a home, clothes or food for their family.  We will continue with this learning next week as we learn about banana farmers and coco farmers.  We are looking forward to a tasting lesson!  Look out for the Fair Trade maths homework on Monday.

Congratulations to Emily, our Hot Chocolate Award winner for this week.


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