Hello P2A families! Here are our learning highlights according to the Green Table:
Lucas said he enjoyed coin rubbings. The children have moved on to learning about money and the coin rubbings helped them to think about the colour, shape, size, number and images found on coins.
Nathan liked playing ‘Chaos Tig’ at PE with Mrs Lafferty.
Kayla enjoyed continuing to learn about Livingston. This week we learned about all the public art on display all around our town. The children recalled seeing many of these pieces but never knew what they were. Now the know their name and what they mean! They each picked their favourite one and tried to recreate it on paper. Be sure to look out for this super art this weekend on Seesaw! Soon we will move on to our new topic, Space.
Emily said she also liked PE.
Isabel loved reading ‘The Crunching Munching Caterpillar’ from our class library. I shared with her how well I know this book as it was my oldest daughter’s favourite growing up.
Ben liked learning about the baptism of Jesus. Next week we will continue to learn about the Sacrament of Baptism.
My highlight was the new class novel we started, ‘The Magic Finger’. The children were so engrossed in it and can’t wait to find out what happens next! There was much giggling at the start when they learned how the main character put the magic finger on her teacher and turned her into a cat! You can imagine what happened next! Yes, Mrs Devlin started to meow after 26 magic fingers where pointed at her. :-)